If you like Christopher Meeks' writing, you can get either his newsletter called "The Maplewoods Mirror" or his highly praised book of short stories, The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea as an eBook. Fill in the simple form below. If you want an eBook, in the "Ebook type" field, type whether you want a Kindle Version or another, such as for Nook. A file will be mailed to your email address.
If you want his newsletter, click the check box for it, and that, too, will be mailed to your email box when each is published. It's easy to unsubscribe if you don't like it. For a sample of the newsletter, click here.
If you want his newsletter, click the check box for it, and that, too, will be mailed to your email box when each is published. It's easy to unsubscribe if you don't like it. For a sample of the newsletter, click here.